Home Birth Supply List

Home Birth Midwifery Supply Guide

-Birth Kits are supplied to our clients by NEAR To You Midwifery $45.00

If you are using My Pool
-Liner is cheapest on Amazon. 


-Water Birth Kit
-Pool supplies needed include….
-Drinking water safe hose 35 0r 50 feet depending on placement
These are white or blue. A garden hose is NOT SAFE.
-Appropriate faucet adapter
-Rainshowe’r Crystal Bath Ball Recommended but not required

-There are two Absorbent Underwear (Depends) in the birth kit.

I recommend
purchasing additional for Postpartum.
-With Hazel without Alcohol
Sitz Bath
Supplies for the home
Crock Pot
Crock pot cooking bag or brining bag
Baking sheet that fits in your freezer for frozen Herbal Pads
6 qt stock pot with cover
Additional pots for boiling water
2 Large Bowls- Plastic or metal
Large Garbage bags
8 washcloths that can get messy
10 Towels that can get messy
If you have carpet you want protected for under tub or around bed
-Roll of Plastic Sheeting. In Painting supplies at hardware store
Painters adhesive carpet protector-in a roll
Plastic or Waterproof mattress and pillow protectors
Sheets that can get messy.
Fruit, Vegetable and healthy snacks for your brith attendants. 🙂