“Nuts & Bolts” of Birth Doula Services
The cornerstone of Birth Doula Services is developing a trusting relationship with our clients. Building that relationship begins at your complimentary consultation. It is the beginning of a deeper understanding of your vision, and wishes for your birthing day. We discuss and process your concerns and worries. Fear is a normal part of this process; especially if this is your first pregnancy. Overcoming those fears starts with knowledge and the confidence that comes with a great support system.
Our first prenatal visit is:
- Get to know each other better
- Intake of you history and past pregnancies
- Assessment of your needs
- Address concerns
- Learn what helps you relax
- Discuss birth preferences
- Uncover you expectations for birth & doula care
- Answer questions
If you chose either the Premium $1390.00 or Ultimate Packages $1890.00 your additional prenatal visit teaches you advanced comfort measures including:
- Spinning Babies® Techniques
- Self Hypnosis
- Peanut and Birth Ball Techniques
- Breathing for labor and pushing
- Informed Consent
- Signs of labor
- Answer questions
The second prenatal in the Basic Package $1190.00 or third in the Premium and Ultimate is a labor trial. We will practice using the Doula tools and techniques including:
- Prenatal Exercises
- Positions for comfort
- Massage techniques
- Aromatherapy
- Finalize your birth preferences
- Educate on when to call the doula
- Education on Induction
- Explore the Doula Bag
On your Birthing Day continuous labor and delivery support can begin in your home or when we meet at the hospital. Hospital and home support include:
- Non-medical comfort measures during labor
- Positions and movements for labor and birth
- Techniques to correct mal-position of baby
- Strategies for coping during difficult labors
- Patient Advocacy
- Safe Essential Oil use
- Breastfeeding/chest feeding Support and technique
- Rebozo
- Partner Support
- T.E.N.S
Postpartum visits in the home are at your request during the fourth trimester. The Basic package includes one visit. The Premium and Ultimate include 2 visits.
Included are:
- Breast/Chest or bottle feeding support and education
- Newborn and infant care information
- Personal care information Home organization
- Sibling adjustment information
- Assistance with adjusting to new roles
- Answering questions and addressing any concerns.
- Reflect on your birth.
Above all else, we are committed to provide you with the same level of tender loving care we give our own families. We are accessible via home & cell phone, facebook, twitter, and e-mail. We will do our best to answer all your questions with evidence based information. Although we lean toward the Midwifery model of care, the Medical Model is what most of you will be required to navigate. At N.E.A.R To You we firmly believe that a beautiful, and positive birth experience can be achieved in a hospital setting. We support your choices, which could include a non-medicated birth, use of an epidural, or scheduled cesarean. We’d love an opportunity to meet with you as it is most important for you to find a Doula that you completely trust and are comfortable. Supporting birthing people and their families is our passion. We truly believe birth is an empowering, transforming, and life changing event.
It is an honor and privilege to be a part of the day you welcome a new life, healthy, happy, and full of promise. The N.E.A.R. to You Team
Additional Services
Individual Sessions $50.00 each
In Home Childbirth Class $300.00 4, 2 hr Sessions
Photography Sizing and Color Correcting $200.00
Maximum 35 photos
Placenta Encapsulation $250.00, Placenta Tincture $50.00, Placenta Art $ 150.00
Birth Video $250.00
Detailed Birth Notes $50.00
Relaxation CD $5.00
Herbal Bath $10.00
Electrodes for Use of TENS $15.00
Belly Binding One Session 150.00 Multiple Sessions- Prices Vary
Vaginal Steaming Session $100.00
Postpartum Hourly Rated $30.00 Singles, Twins $45.00
Essential Oils – https://mydoterra.com/neartoyoudoula